Thursday 25 February 2010


Back from skiing in the French Alps (will hopefully have some photos developed soon) , and its time to put up my final postcards and envelopes which took an century to finish on time. So here they are..

For ligature >> an interactive pull out with letters on each of
the shapes to show how they fit together to look more legible.

For tracking >> Delicate cut out to emphasise the space
between lettering. I think I prefer the back of the postcard,
without the photo behind it.

For sadle-stitch >> a little pop-out book to show the binding.
The book can be popped out the postcard and folded.

For PDF >> another pull up device, to demonstrate its meaning
You pull up the green card and the meaning appears through
the tracing paper. 'Portable Document Format'

For DPI and resolution >> Simple postcard demonstrating
terms, half pixelated, half normal.

For CMYK >> Standard postcard illustrating the term.

For RGB >> nets for small triangles which can be popped
out and made in the colours Red Blue and Green.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Why do I always change my mind last minute ?

This is becoming a frequent happening. So I have changed my idea completely.. Bog standard book no more.
I saw this on yay!everyday on sunday, which has inspired me to now design envelopes, postcards and maybe stamps to put on the envelopes.

Today I completed my first 'Letter Term'. And I hope to complete at least two more tonight, as time is running out.

I SPELT LIGATURE WRONG. So will have to re=print this tomorrow. bugger.

This is one of the postcards for my collection. Its for the term "Ligature" not "Ligauture" (why didn't the computer tell me this before I printed it!). It's supposed to show how the letters are joined together to make it more legible. I still wanted to keep an element of interactivity.

For all my postcards I want to use the same fonts, and on each of them will be the definitions. The envelopes will have the name of the term on the inside, and I will design the front of the envelope which will be the same for each term. Addresses will be made to each term, ie.
Mr Ligature
Miss Resolution
Mr Ascender and Mrs Descender
and so on...

This is an idea for the terms Ascender, Descender, X-height and Baseline. This will be printed on the postcard, and each tag will be divided using a perforator, enabling the tags to be ripped apart.

I've been messing around with the composition of the tags with different shapes in different sizes, and still haven't decided which one to go for. I may change my idea completely, as I'm not sure I like how clean-cut and computer generated this looks. However, a contrast in my postcards could work quite well.

Six more to go, eight if I'm lucky. Looks like my bed time is a long way off. Why do I always leave things till the last minute ? Fuck. I need a printer.

Thursday 4 February 2010


I thought I'd actually put a bit of my own work up for the first time.. scary.
As I'm still not sure I actually like much of this, apart from the less graphicy ones. Here are some ideas for pages in my typography term book. Only one week left on this project. I better get a move on...

I hate it when I feel like I've spent ages on something, yet the outcome doesn't show this.

Tuesday 2 February 2010


I'm now on our third brief for the typography module. We've designed logo's for our names as businesses, and created typographic compositions of letterforms illustrating well-known phrases. Both of these projects probably weren't my strongest, but have enjoyed learning new rules of the typographic world, which some say are 'made to be broken'. This is why I like design.

For this third project we have to present a range of 31 typographic and print terms in whichever way we find appropriate. With no boundaries, I've decided to stick to the simple idea of a book.

I found these video's on one of my favourite blogging sites yay!everyday, which inspired me to make it interactive.

Mine definitely won't match this, but I'll give it a go !

So I thought I would set up a blog as my reflective journal. Whether I'm allowed to do this on the computer, I am not sure. But here it goes.